Wednesday, May 14, 2008

don't jerk with the postal karma

a few routes ago, i had many, many customers that i adored
and a few that "challenged" me.
in fact three of the "challenges" lived on the same street.
VERY shortly after a particularly tough "situation" with customer #1,
i found out that he was guilty of Medicaid fraud (he was a shrink).
soon after, he lost his licence and faced a stiff financial penalty.

customer #2, after screwing with my brain, met a similar fate, only he was an anaesthesiologist, and wound up in the slammer!

customer # 3, (who insisted that i only deliver certain catalogs and not the others
even though i repeatedly tried to explain to him that when it comes to junk mail, it's all or nothing) wound up drowning in the lake at his summer home.

makes you wonder.
nothing extremely bad seemed to happen to the nice folks on that route during my tenure.

suffice it to say.............

i will never, ever jerk with my mailguy...


Brooke said...


My "challege" died of a heart attack not long ago. He called weekly to complain about something.....

another "challenge" aggravated the crap out of me daily. He hung out at the mailbox waiting on me telling me how much he liked my hair when I wore it down. (I started wearing my hair in a ponytail daily.)

He was arrested for fondling a girl in a wheelchair......

Maybe there really is something to this karma thing.........HA!

Anonymous said...

It's time for Ms. Ribble to go for a little swim!

Anonymous said...

sounds like all that happened on a street with a lot of hills on one side..that I got after you..I can guess 2 of the stories but not the third.