Monday, October 20, 2008

Another day, another baggie

Just when i thought i was out of the woods with Mrs. N's chewed up bill,
I get the front only of a Netflix movie ! Beautiful!
And doesn't it figure it has to be delivered to another doubting customer.
i don't have very many unhappy campers out there just sounds like i do.
This lady wasn't getting a bank statement for weeks on end...and somehow..this was my fault???...even though my boss told her that the bank in question was screwing up LOTS of people's statements for some reason.
So i had to shove the Netflix lable in a damn WE'RE SORRY bag.
And then i had to hold my breath, drop it in the box and hightail it outta there.
which is exactly what i did.
so call to the boss............
does this crap happen to other people, or am i just a crap magnet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With this being a great time to be a postal worker -- the political season .. and not a word from our mail girl ?????? no words of wisdom.. I am shocked and at a loss for what to do tomorrow in that little booth .....