Thursday, May 24, 2007

pump up the volume

there is this one gal on my route. i don't want to call her a first class bi-otch, so let's just be kind and say that she seems to be missing the pleasantness gene.
no matter how friendly i am, she greets me with the same pissed off look on her face.
the only time she actually spoke to me, she "congratulated" me for "breaking the record "for delivering her mail later than ANY other carrier. Wow! Only three weeks on the job and i'm already rewriting the record book. Aren't I something!
Foolishly, i tried to explain that i had delivered the route backwards to avoid getting stuck on her street during the mobfest that was her neighborhood garage sale. she was not buying it.
obviously, there was NO acceptable excuse for my tardiness.
i temporarily pondered " congratulating" her for being THE most miserable customer i had EVER dealt with in my 20 years in the P.O. but instead, held my tongue and went along my merry way wondering what would cause someone to become such a bitter pill.
a couple days ago i was listening to a talk show on NPR while delivering the mail near her house. as usual, i had the volume on my transistor at a politely low setting. the show was an interview with an author that was plugging her new book about happiness. it was very engrossing. as i approached Ms. Ribble's house, i reflexively thought about turning the volume down as i always do when in her yard so as to avoid her wrath. this woman definitely does not need one more thing to be annoyed by.
my finger was on the volume control. her front door was open. the author was hitting a fevered pitch about the importance of finding some sort of happiness in life.... how it doesn't have to be elusive. I turned the volume UP. it was for her own good. then i walked on. feeling happy.

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