Wednesday, May 30, 2007

forget sleet..what about heat?

Who is responsible for penning the postal motto about Rain, sleet, snow and hail ? In my humble ( but nonetheless correct) opinion it needs to be amended to read: Rain , HEAT, snow and dogs.
How often does it actually SLEET ? Almost never. Heat is the true enemy of mail carriers.
Most people ask " How do you do it in the winter..delivering in the snowdrifts and freezing weather?". When it's cold we put on more clothes..lots and lots of strategic layers of wonderfully effective hi-tech gear.
The problem comes when it's hotter than hell..we can't very well take our clothes off. We can't put our underwear in the freezer the night before. We just have to kind of suck it up. Slam on the safari hat, and hope for a breeze. We also hope that absolutely no one asks " Is it hot enough for you?" and pray that many people will take pity on us and invite us in for something to drink. ( One time an elderly couple asked me in for a glass of lemonade and somehow I wound up on a 15 minute tour of their house which found me jammed inside their walk-in closet with the wife's lingerie two inches from my face..but that's another story).
Drinking plenty of fluids... means 8 glasses a day, right ? Not if you're out on your route and it's 90 degrees .
Then it's about 8 glasses every ten minutes. Weird stuff happens to your brain if you don't drink enough. Yesterday, after many hours in the sun with no break, no breeze and insufficient water intake, my mind started playing tricks on me. Driving to deliver the last street on my route, I saw something outside of my vehicle, smushed on the road. It was a road kill for sure, but to me, in my severely dehydrated delirium, I SWORE it was a dead baby comes the weird part...WITH WINGS. I was so sure about it that i almost turned the truck around to get a second look. Made me think about the expression.." when pigs fly".
Obviously, this one tried and it didn't work out so well.
Most people get wacked out when they drink too much. Guess the same thing can happen when you don't drink enough...

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