Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black friday..postal version

wake up after eating too much and staying up too late
it's 6:00 am and it's still black outside.

take a shower
get dressed
put on black long johns because it's gonna be freezing out there.

hit the clock at 7:00 am.
hard to find my case because it's buried under so much mail.
ask myself (as always) it worth it to have the day off and come back to this mess?
as always, the answer is ..yes!

hit the street.
jump out for my first stop...
almost literally hit the street..
black ice.
drop a few choice swear words.
tell myself to slow down.
ask myself why did i ever decide to be a mail carrier anyhow?

calm down.
think about all of the crazy people in line to buy
some deeply discounted electronic crap.
think they are nuttier for doing that than i am for doing this.
is it still black friday if all of those goofballs in line are
seriously in the red at the end of the day?

a customer comes to the door and asks me if
i can hold on a second.
sure i can...
he's been gone so long
that i think..
he must be filling out a card for me with a tip inside.
i'm thinking not black or red..but green.

he comes back and hands me a bill to mail for him.
tip blackout!

work 9 hours.
get in my car to drive home.
sky is already dark. black.

eat something.
not left overs.
hit the futon.
black out.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Gosh, do I feel horrible....I'm complaining down here in Alabama about a day after a holiday but wearing short sleeves....:))

I'm not sure the holiday is worth it!!!! Well, I am still a PTF and not getting paid for it though! HA! Less than 90 days though and I'll be REG-U-LARRRR ....yay, I think.