Thursday, June 26, 2008

if i were the postmaster general

if i was in charge of this here operation, things would change.
lots of things.

1)the name of the game would be trying to keep workers happy, knowing that happy workers are more productive, and give better service..better service equals more business ..which equals a healthy bottom line..which means a happy company.

2)carriers would be given EARLIER start times in the summer so that they could get the pivots set up earlier.. and they would not be starting their jobs in the blazing afternoon sun.
they would also end tour earlier so they could have some time to spend with friends and fam which would make them happier..(see number 1).

3) the uniform would loosen up for the summer daisy dukes or tank tops..
but at least groovy message we'd be like walkng walking billboards.

4)the LLV's would be retrofitted as convertibles, or at least with air conditioners and sunroofs..and CD players
everybody else is having fun in the why shouldn't we?

5) people with last minute vacation needs would be granted time off..that's what those TE's were hired for, right? or better yet..give the regulars some freakin OT
so they can afford to go on a vacation in the first place!!!!

i'm on vacation next week..and will leave all of this stuff far behind for a while.
after this week's nonsense (letter of warning for a missed scan point????
seriously???) i am good and ready to bust out ...maybe you know the feeling!


Anonymous said...

If I were the Postmaster General (or any other failed usps manager) I would do what they do in Japan when they fail their cutomers and employees. I would take my own life out of shame and embarassment. I certainly would NOT walk around with arrogance and condecension. B.

Anonymous said...

they make too much are not management material!