Saturday, October 6, 2007

keep off the grass ( and the driveway)

one of the minor annoyances of being a mailcarrier is the "DO NOT CROSS LAWN" order.
certain lawn obsessed customers contact the post office and set up a special request for the carrier not to walk across their lawn. you would think that the customers that request this service would have a picture- perfect-manicured-to-the-max type of lawn.
you expect to get out there and see some fastidious landscaping out of the pages of Better Homes and Gardens, but sadly this usually isn't the case.
mostly it's just your garden variety complainer finding yet another venue in which to dump their generalised control issues.
ms. ribble has such an order.
her yard is 90% burned out grass and 10% neglected garden.
every day i square off her yard and walk from the street up her driveway.
every day i hope to see some improvement in her yard that will make her DO NOT CROSS order legitimate.
it hasn't happened yet.
she is good at giving landscaping advice though.
one of her neighbors told me that she yelled across the street at his wife for taking down a tree. she was screaming that the tree was irreplaceable and now the value of the neighboring property was going to go down as a result.
the odd thing is that the neighbor she was bitching at has THE best landscaping on the street.
ms. ribble's other next door neighbor does have something new in their lawn.
a FOR SALE sign.
jees..i wonder why?

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